The Final Print Exhibition of 2023 was a Free Choice theme, which is when all of our members pull out their best work to show off to the world their favourite genres and styles of photography.
This month, and due to some hard work during the year, we have returned to seeing 40 images on display, exhibited from 21 members and once again it was really a breath of fresh air to see the new members displaying their images. Well done to Bina Cline who is debuting in Print Exhibitions and collected 3rd Place!!
A big thanks goes out to the members of the recently formed Exhibition Task Force that took it upon themselves to handle printing, framing and mounting for members that can’t be present for presential exhibitions. Sharon Johnson, David Durrant and Daryl Gabin take a bow!
Finally a massive thanks to everyone who turned up to support the evening, especially those who brought some nibbles and gave the evening a little something special.
A final, but sad word: This exhibition was dedicated to another of our members, Christine Edwards, who earlier in November, lost her long battle with cancer. Our hearts go out to her husband John McComish and Family. R.I.P Christine.
For December, there will be an online Challenge which has the theme of “Close Ups of Insects“. We’re sure that this theme will attract some intriguing images. These will become available for viewing from the 29th of December.
After votes were counted, the results were as follows:
- 1st Place: 10 The Gaze by Robert Pool – 14 votes
- 2nd Place: 02 Hummingbirds, Costa Rica by Heidi Beck Name – 11 votes
- 3rd Place: 03 Coastal Pools by Bina Cline – 09 votes

Main Gallery
40 O'Conner Junior Course by Jan Tromp
08 Tri Colour by Daryl Gabin
Toucan by Heidi Beck
39 Amendoeira Golf Very Early by Jan Tromp
38 Threatening Clouds by Antonio Pires
37 Stones of the Past by Antonio Pires
23 Pleasure in What I Do by Daryl Gabin
36 Are you Tired by Carole Tranmer
35 Serpa Castle by Karten TVP
34 Naptime by Karen TVP
33 Final Beauty by Nigel Moore
32 Watching the Sunset by Nigel Moore