As was expected, a huge number of entries were received for the Free Choice exhibition. And the general public also ramped up the numbers too as we had over 90 people support our event. Thank you so much for coming. We hope that you continue to enjoy these evenings.
With such a large number of entries, the challenge presented to visitors to cast votes was immense. This was confirmed as the votes were counted which saw a four-way split for 2nd place. Congratulations to all that took part.
- 1st Place: “Chiffchaff” by Neil Adamson
- 2nd Place: “Volcanic Island” by Veit Mueller
- 2nd Place: “Graffiti Plus” by Eveline Sakkers
- 2nd Place: “Cherub” by Judy Home
- 2nd Place: “Grain Stores” by Fred Bos
Next years Calendar kicks off in January with a theme of Patterns & Symmetry. Have a great end of year and see you in 2019!