Challenge – “Abstract”

The Online Challenge brief for April is as follows:

Theme – Abstract 

Entries for this theme will depict images that fall under the following description.

Abstract photography, sometimes called non-objective, experimental or conceptual photography, is a means of depicting a visual image that does not have an immediate association with the object world and that has been created through the use of photographic equipment, processes or materials.
A quick test to establish if an image can be considered abstract is; If you look at a photo and there’s a voice inside you that says ‘What is it?’….Then you’re probably looking at an abstract photograph.

Here are a few points you can take into consideration ahead of creating an Abstract photograph.

Key elements of a good Abstract Photo

  • Simplicity
  • Composition
  • Angle of View
  • Lighting
  • Harmony
  • Mystery

Also, for beginners may also like to contemplate these points too:

  1. Start with everyday objects
  2. Use elements of design to your advantage
  3. Go macro
  4. Shoot through objects
  5. Capture motion
  6. Practice the art of subtraction
  7. Customize your lighting
  8. Experiment with different shooting styles
  9. Post-process your images


  • Photos must be your work and not previously exhibited or displayed in APG events.
  • 2-year rule applies
  • Photos can be colour, black & white or any monochrome colour.
  • Photos must be at least 1800px on the longest edge and can be in Landscape or Portrait formats.
  • Maximum of Two Images per Member.
  • Entitle your image “Exhibition-name-image-title-firstname-lastname.jpg”  For example Astract-the unknown-joe-blogs.jpg

Order of Merit

  • All Images Submitted for this Challenge will accrue (1 – One) Merit point each.
  • The top 3 images (selected by Guest Judge) will accrue (5 – Five) Merit Points each.

Deadline for Entries

  • The deadline for entries is 17:00 on Tuesday 25th April 2023

How to Submit your Entries

  • Please send your images to the following e-mail “membership(at)
    with the Subject: Abstract

Exhibition Go-Live

  • The Online Gallery will be published at 19:00 on Friday 28th of April 2023

We look forward to seeing your entries.

Challenge – “Flowers”

The Online Challenge brief for February is as follows:

Theme – Flowers


Entries for this theme will depict images that fall under the following description.

Flowers are naturally photogenic in themselves. They normally provide a wonderful abundance of colours, textures, and shapes. Flower and plant photography celebrates their natural beauty and is often a great way to improve your photography skills.

Here are a few items you can put together ahead of your first floral photo adventure.
  • Your Phone.  – As we saw in last month’s exhibition, mobile phones are more than capable of doing the job. It’s always with you, and if you have one made within the last four or five years, it will take amazing photos of flowers.
  • Your Camera – A DSLR camera and lens will give you more options for creating flower photography at the professional level. A 50mm or 85mm lens with wide apertures helps create magical blurry backgrounds due to the shallow depth of field.
  • Your Tripod – A tripod will assist in eliminating camera shake to make your flower images sharper. A cable release will allow you to step away from your equipment while you take your shots. Maybe try a long exposure, leaving the shot open for a few seconds to some movement that makes the flower look like a painting.
  • A Reflector – This is a favourite tool for flower photography, especially outside. It’s handy for filling in shadows. Normally you’ll be getting a lot of low angles and shadows, and a reflector will help to redirect the sunlight.
  • A Macro Lens – Not essential but really does allow you to go the extra mile and show the wonderful intricacies of petals and pollen.

A few tips to get great shots

  • Choose your focal point
  • Think about colour in advance
  • What are the details the particular flower or plant has?
  • Enhance patterns or textures
  • Don’t be afraid of the close-ups.
  • As always, the composition is key
  • Try different times of the day.


  • Photos must be your work and not previously exhibited or displayed in APG events.
  • 2-year rule applies
  • Photos can be colour, black & white or any monochrome colour.
  • Photos must be at least 1800px on the longest edge and can be in Landscape or Portrait formats.
  • Maximum of Two Images per Member.
  • Entitle your image “Exhibition-name-image-title-firstname-lastname.jpg”  For example Flowers-The Marigold-joe-blogs.jpg

Order of Merit

  • All Images Submitted for this Challenge will accrue (1 – One) Merit point each.
  • The top 3 images (selected by Guest Judge) will accrue (5 – Five) Merit Points each.

Deadline for Entries

  • The deadline for entries is 17:00 on Tuesday 21st February 2023

How to Submit your Entries

  • Please send your images to the following e-mail “membership(at)
    with the Subject: Flowers

Exhibition Go-Live

  • The Online Gallery will be published at 19:00 on Friday 24th of February 2023

We look forward to seeing your entries.