The Fifth Print Exhibition of 2022 took place on the 30th of September.
The images exhibited came in from 14 members producing a total of 26 images. Well done to all who took part and to everyone who turned up to support the evening and to all those who put in the work in the background to make these events happen.
As is traditional for print exhibitions, the public votes were counted and produced the following results:
- 1st Place: 18 On the Street by Jan Tromp ( 12 Votes)
- 2nd Place: 12 Embrioderer at Work by Hubert Flasch (10 Votes)
- Tied 3rd Place: 19 On Copper by Jan Tromp & 22 Hand Brake by Daryl Gabin (8 Votes)

Other Entries
1 Car Mechanic by Mary McClay
2 Hemming by Jan Blandford
3 Repotting by Jan Blandford
4 Clips by Fred Bos
5 Tavira Street Artist - Bart Hageman
6 Hand Crafted by Neil Adamson
7 Tooting my Flute by Neil Adamson
8 Creative Hands Tracey Smith
9 Caring Hands byTracey Smith
13 Maori Woodcarver by Hubert Flasch
14 Busy Hands by Ernst Neidgardt
15 Art in Glass by Ernst Neidhardt